There is a long list of different types of problem foods and drinks that will cause teeth yellowing. Here we list the worst offenders.
- Black Tea – You can think about how spilling black tea on your white shirt or tablecloth can easily cause a stain that’s difficult to wash out, as doing the same thing to your teeth.
- Soft Drinks, Sodas & Sports Drinks – Soft drinks and sodas not only contain a lot of acidic sugar, they often have citric and phosphoric acids that wear through tooth enamel.
- Boiled Lollies & Lollipops – Hard lollies like boiled lollies and lollipops are a serious problem when it comes to discolouring and damaging your tooth enamel, not just because of their high sugar content, but because of the long amount of time they are in your mouth.
- Wine – Just like black tea, wine is full of tannins. To be clear both white wine and red wine contain teeth staining tannins, so thinking you’re out of danger if you stick to white wine is actually untrue.
- Curry, Sauces & Condiments – Highly pigmented seasonings such as curries, mustard, saffron, soy sauce, chilli and tomato sauce are able to coat your tooth’s enamel and when left for too long start the staining process. The acidic nature of these items adds to the problem by thinning your enamel, so your teeth are under attack from two sides.
- Vegetables, Fruits & Fruit Juices – Brightly coloured vegetables and fruits like beetroot, pomegranate, cherries, red grapes, currants, cranberry and most berries will stain and discolour your teeth.